Last Thursday I was raised to the sublime 3rd degree of a Master Mason. It was the most amazing thing ever! There was an officer from the Grand Lodge there as well which made my open lodge examination a little nerve racking on top of our lodge Air condition being stolen the previous week it was crazy hot. The big thing in our area is copper theft so people are stealing anything like air units and cutting the copper out. Needless to say it was very hot after while. The degree work was awesome and alot of brothers turned out to see me be raised. I can now go to regular meetings and where a ring as well as put on car emblems. I can honestly say other than asking the lord to come into my life and my marriage and daughter being borned that the 3rd most important event in my life was being raised as a master mason! Now the question is how to properly wear a masonic ring I have been reading and wearing my compass points outward facing away from me. I see alot of brothers wearing it facing towards their body. Symbolically I think it should be away from the body while the points of the square face towards the body. Feels good to be a Master Mason!
Freemasonry and the past 6 months
Well next week I will proceed to the 3rd degree. I am excited to become a Master Mason. One thing I can honestly say is that my past 8 months have been life changing. I have really took the teachings of masonry and applied them to my life. I have gotten allot more organized.
What all has happened? I have a beautiful 9 month old daughter. I have started a diet and fitness regimen that so far I have lost about 10 lbs in weight. I have won 3 distinct awards in my company as well as completed a 800 page training manual and trained 16 employees over a course of 3 months. This has all happened since I have put my petition in and knocked on the door. Has masonry had anything to do with it? I think it has.. It definitely has been the rule and guide of my life along with my fortitude to do better. I am proud to say I am a brother and to be a part of a wonderful organization that has helped me keep my bearings during turbulent times.
You get out of Masonry;what you put into it!
Posted by
Shane Hale
6:11 AM
3rd Degree
So I received a message from my Coach Jim that I was voted in favor to receive my 3rd degree in a couple of weeks. I am actually looking forward to this. I will be able to wear a ring place decals on my car attend monthly meetings and join appendent bodies. I am signing up for the York Rite with Jim in the fall to go for Knight Templar degree. I want to experience Scottish Rite as well. There are so many opportunites in Masonry and I am looking forward to experiencing new things and meeting new people. To me the York Rite seems mysterious and exciting and has a very interesting appeal to me. Well I am truly ready for my 3rd degree. It seems I have everything lodged in my head. Well I want to keep my blog going as much as possible and bring positive aspects to Masonry. I see so many blogs out there that are suspect or used for negative propaganda. Until next post....
Posted by
Shane Hale
6:57 AM