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Entered Apprentice a Father and Son Team

Last night,I witnessed a great event. I had the pleasure to see 2 sons of 2 brothers who were best friend be initiated into the craft on the 1st degree. I sat and imagined what a feeling that would be and the emotions that would be running through both Father and Son.

Me being a father myself I wondered what that feeling must of felt like to have one of your own flesh and blood take the same path and walk in the same footprint you did.

Even though I have rekindled my relationship with my dad over the past 2 years after him being out of my life since age of 3. I really truly felt a bond of Father and Son last night and the energy amongst the brother hood was awesome.

I felt such a privileged to be a part of this event. Masonry is not only a brotherhood it is a family. To see wonderful fellowship and watch other brothers,fathers crying on such an emotional event is such a awesome sight to see.

This was right after a wonderful story of our Grand Lodge Master conferring a father and son degree on dire circumstances. I just had to post this email I received about the wonderful event!

Email here and please keep this brother and his family in your Prayers!!!

Historic Masonic Event

I am sending this to all my Masonic email contacts and ask that all Secretaries in the 29th District forward it to their members. I also ask all others to forward this to any Brother they know that loves WB Bob Cape. Some of you will get duplicate copies of this because you are multiple group lits of mine.

Last night we had what I feel was an historic Masonic event!

As many of you know Worshipful Brother Robert Henry Cape is under Hospice care and not doing very well at all. When Brother Wayne Carey and I visited with WB Bob yesterday afternoon, I put Most Worshipful Brother Jerry Carver, Grand Master of Masons in SC on the speaker phone with WB Bob, his loving wife Carole and his EA candidate son John who is up here from Texas to be with his Dad before he goes back to Texas to get his EA Degree on Tuesday from Humble Lodge 979 of Humble, Texas. Our Grand Master knew that Bob, who could not even move his head on his pillow, had asked to be put on a plane to Houston so he could be at his son’s initiation. After speaking to the Cape family, MW Brother Carver asked John if he would like to have his EA Degree done here. John was in disbelief that such a wonderful thing could happen but said he would love it to be that way.

I want to let all of you know that, within a couple of hours, MW Brother Carver had the consent of the Grand Master of Texas and Humble Lodge for Pawleys Island 409 to confer a courtesy EA Degree on John Cape in Bob’s house! He gave us special Dispensation to do so and it was done at 8:00PM last night, less than seven hours after the phone call mentioned above.

I want to apologize in advance if you did not get a call from me to attend but you must understand that I had to keep the number of Brothers small because of the venue. I can assure you that WB Bob considered that all of you were there in spirit. We had 13 Brothers present – 8 from PI409 including Bob and 4 from other Lodges in the 29th District and, of course John Cape.

Below are a few excerpts from the Minutes of this wonderful Masonic event:

Secretary Peteet noted that this degree is very special because WB Bob Cape is bedridden under Hospice care and could not go to Texas to see his son John get his EA Degree which was scheduled for next Tuesday at Humble Lodge #979 in Humble, Texas. RW Peteet asked all to appreciate the effort of our Grand Master to clear this degree with MW Brother Tommy Griffin, Grand Master of Masons in Texas and WM Mark Mullins of John’s Lodge which Most Worshipful Brother Carver accomplished within two hours earlier today.

…newly made EA John Cape gave a heartfelt thanks to all, but especially his father, WB Bob, who was his inspiration to become a Mason. Several Brothers spoke of their admiration for WB Bob Cape, but it was Bob’s old friend Brother Bud Chestnut who spoke truly from his heart about his long-time love and admiration for all that WB Bob has done for the Craft and his brothers.
I feel that, as Secretary, I must add a few parenthetical notes about this historic meeting:

I know that we could have filled a large hall with Brothers who would want to be here for WB Bob and his son John, but due to the venue and Bob’s condition, I felt that I had to restrict the attendance to a small number. I apologize to all that did not know about this meeting.

WB Bob’s wife Carole has been his steadfast supporter in all things regarding our Craft for many years and she deserves all of our thanks for allowing us to intrude in her home at this time.

For those of you who haven’t seen WB Bob lately, he is in really bad shape which is probably obvious when someone is under Hospice care. He is totally aware when he hears a Brother telling him that they are there, but he is unable to really communicate because all he can get out is a barley audible whisper.

But if you could have watched him while this degree for his son was being done, you would have been amazed at his strength by seeing him focused on WM Seman and Candidate John while John was being obligated. It also brought tears of joy to my eyes when twice tonight, I saw WB Bob raise his hands and actually clap his fingers together. Once when his son John gave his thanks to the Lodge and his father for being his inspiration to join Masonry and secondly when his old friend Bud Chestnut spoke about him.

Tonight has made me more proud of Masonry than anything else because I saw that this Brotherhood can accomplish all things if we just give it a try. It could have been a different Grand Master that approved this, it could have been a different Brother that was in distress, it could have been many things but tonight was proof to me that Masonry is what Masonry is – Brothers caring for Brothers!

Fraternally yours,

Hugh C. Peteet, PM
Secretary, PI 409
DDGM, 29th District

PS- Today was certainly a new day. WB Bob was alert and clear-eyed and speaking in a normal voice. These facts allowed me to know with certainty that the Fraternity did a fantastic thing last night! Please get your calls in to WB Bob and keep him and the entire family in your prayers.

I hope you have enjoyed this heart found story! Not only is Masonry alive and well so is the human spirit of Faith Hope and Charity! It makes me proud of our Grand Master of South Carolina and honored to be a part of this wonderful fraternity!!

Sir Knight Templar that is

Well, It is done. I am now a Sir Knight. It was one of the most memorable degrees ever. The work was impeccable. I can't wait to get involved with this work and helping out. I think the Order of the Temple and the Royal Arch degrees bring a deep meaning for personal development. Along with the Blue Degree I think the work is one of the most importance. The degree work and lectures are beautiful in meaning and tend to make you stop time and take a snapshot of your life and make you think in retrospect.

I often think what other knights could of went through back in 11oo's. I am proud to be a part of the York Rite and look forward to doing more work with them. I may later do other appendant bodies but now I have my plate full with the Blue Lodge and the Templar Conclaves,Asylums.

Shane Hale