With this being said, the excerpt below is from the article titled, "Personal Integrity" by Sir Knight Clayton J. Borne III in the January 2009 issue of Knight Templar magazine which seems to sum it all up nicely.
"Masonic Ideals:
As we strive to cultivate integrity in our personal lives and collectively in our spiritual brotherhood, our efforts meet with constant resistance. As appauling as it may be, society today is a reflection of disrespect, an unappreciative and uncaring disease that migrates into all aspects of our culture. The cure as with all other social problems is education.
The Masonic ideals and their influence on society thru the ages have been exerted in no better or more nobler purpose than the ageless struggle by the Brotherhood for "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity" and ultimately a secure freedom for society. Our Fraternity thru the ages has been the champion of oppressed people with the object being the emancipation of mankind from every form of tyranny. Within our lodges, liberty or freedom, especially in thought was freely encouraged. That freedom, based on these principles, made possible the natural progression of a transformed life.
The humanist philosophy so prevalent in society poses obstructions to our Masonic ideals. The basic concept of Liberty has always had an aggressive enemy. It is the self-centered concept of entitlement. The entitlement belief is the direct result of the modernist doctrine that there is no rational basis for values. Despite our Masonic brotherhood's continued efforts to promote integrity, the value system of society has been erroded. Many of society's values become problematic; in other words, nothing is truely good or bad. It's all a matter of opinion. We must ask then, how and why have principles? Do as you please or whatever you can rationalize as being right. Without the Liberty to choose our own actions and make our own choices, we lose the qualities that make us uniquely human. It is only when people do the right thing freely that we can have confidence in their character. If they act out of principles such as truth, benevolence, and productiveness as taught in our lodges, then we know that their actions result from good character and the principle of liberty is preserved."
After reading this excellent article from our Knight Templar magazine, I can't help but think of the direction our nation and the mindset of it's people will be going. When thinking of our charities as a Brotherhood given freely, and others that would be hampered by those "charities" or "patriotic duties" to be mandated by laws. Many in our country want to turn a blind eye to this, and to our dire financial realities. President Obama and others of his ilk want to lead the charge by promising to deliver more things to more people, at taxpayer expense, and dig us into an ever deeper hole. There simply is no way to pay for it all without dramatically raising taxes on all the productive citizens and businesses in this country. If the Obamas of this country have their way, government will grow, entitlements will grow, our deficit will grow, and the tax increases needed to support it all will stifle any potential growth of our economy.
Have you ever dug yourself out of financial hole? If you are honest, you will admit digging out meant working more, saving, spending less, and generally living within your means. I seriously doubt most of us would consider borrowing more, or taking from others to be the solution. Why should we support representatives and a government in Washington that would behave any other way. The language of hope and change is nice, and has a feel good tone, but those of us who run a household or a business know that talk of hope and change is not enough to get the job done. Digging out of a hole requires spending less money, and creating more wealth; it is as simple as that. Irresponsible promises, trying to be everything to everybody, unchecked spending, and crippling taxation are a recipe for disaster. Real hope and real change will require all of us to pitch in to work, grow our economy and urge those on entitlements toward greater independence and productivity.
The No. 1 economic threat facing the United States today isn't globalization, stagnant wages, unfair trade policy or illegal immigration. And it certainly isn't what one cable TV demagogue glibly calls a "war on the middle class" by big media, big corporations and big special interests.
Rather, it's this sense of entitlement that many Americans take with them into the workplace, in their expectations from their government, and the eagerness with which they as individuals shift the blame when things don't go according to plan.
The key is to never to take responsibility for the personal decisions you've made. Eventually, some opportunistic politician will come along and confirm what you've always suspected -- that you are at the mercy of forces beyond your control, and this politician will tell you that he would take more from others who have more, or "the rich" to help you to become as successful as they are, all for the price of your vote and blind support.
This simply isn't what our Founding Fathers intended from government, and it's not in line with our Masonic ideals that we as good and upright Masons inculcate in our lodges, and try to impress on the hearts and minds of those outside of our lodge. It's this mindset that I fear most from the proposed actions of the upcoming administration.