Freemason Store


Second Degree

Been awhile since last post after attending many degrees from various local lodges I really think I get it and have the work behind me. There are somethings I am shaky on but I think in the long run I will duly and truly knock it out. My coach told me that they were going to vote on my second degree but decided to wait til they get a couple more that will be ready in March. I am looking forward to visiting the lodge again since I have not been there since my 1st degree. As mentioned I have visted many degrees even one done by the local sheriffs office which seemed to be my most memorable. I also found out one of my friends was WM of a lodge across town which I attended some 1st degree work. Things are definitley coming together even our website was approved for our lodge recently by the grand lodge I had the great opportunity to help with. Things are coming into fruition.


Caroleyene said...

I've wanted to become a freemason for many years.

Damn this female genitalia...